Jessica Kay Bodner is an American artist Born in Chicago, Ill.

Metal sculpture, installation art and light sculpture have been the focus of her career which spans over 30 years . Her award winning artwork has been commissioned for public, private and commercial projects nationally and internationally. Influenced by Nature, science and archeology, Jessica’s work has been showcased in galleries, public exhibitions and outdoor installations.

Woven steel vessel forms partially buried in the earth are reminiscent of archeological artifacts, a bygone era of humans and nature living in harmony. Her steel beehive light sculptures combine form and light to create texture and patterns on the surrounding surfaces as a double dimension of drawing. Suspended night sky inspired pieces float orbs of light on spiraling tube steel that seem to spin and move like cirrus clouds in the sky. Colorful outdoor freestanding sculptures inspired by ancient themes in nature blend with the grander and beauty inherent in outdoor native landscapes, from large nautilus forms to abstract gestures, metal is twisted and hewn to create woven thickets where light and shadow pass through creating an interplay between the natural backdrop, the changing seasons and direction of the sun.